Mac Os For Amd Athlon

As a fun little experiment, I ran the same CPU benchmark on a few processors that I have around my home office that come from various generations. The Raspberry Pi was predictably beaten by even the nine year old AMD Athlon processor, but considering its from factor and power usage it is a remarkably versatile little system on a chip.

The benchmark tool used is sysbench ( Each of the three systems are running a different Unix-like operating system. Raspian on the Rasberry Pi, FreeBSD 10.2 on the AMD Athalon, and Mac OS Sierra on the Mac Mini (Late 2014).

Installing Mac OS X AMD Processor - Forum - MacOS I can't Install Mac Leopard, Plz Help - Forum - MacOS Amd athlon x2 250 3.0ghz - Forum - GTA.

  • AMD Athlon™ Desktop Processors with PRO technologies deliver professional security features, performance, and manageability with exceptional value. If your business needs desktop PCs for basic office productivity, help protecting sensitive data, and the ability to remotely update systems, all at an incredible value, Athlon™ PRO processors.
  • Hello, I just install Leopard on my AMD Athlon and everything is ok everything is nice but my sound blaster audigy dosent heard in 7.1, I know is not compatible, but if anyone knows somthing about it, please, it will be apreciated thank u.
  • For the first time in AMD hackintosh history, AMD patches for macOS were released the same day as the OS. This is purely down to Algrey utilizing the Mask kernel patching feature offered by OpenCore. Below you’ll find the updated patches which allow.

On each system, I ran this benchmark command:

sysbench --num-threads=4 --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 run

Systems Compared

SystemProcessorKernel (uname -a)YearTotal Time
Raspberry Pi 2b Linux raspberrypi 4.4.34+ #930 Wed Nov 23 15:12:30 GMT 2016 armv6l GNU/Linux 20141341.2237s
Homebuilt Desktop AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+ (2009.30-MHz K8-class CPU) FreeBSD cranberry 10.2-RELEASE-p24 FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE-p24 #0: Sat Oct 22 01:03:53 UTC 2016 amd64 2007117.7166s
Mac Mini (Late 2014) 2.6 GHz Intel Core i5 Darwin Io.local 16.1.0 Darwin Kernel Version 16.1.0: Thu Oct 13 21:26:57 PDT 2016; root:xnu-3789.21.3~60/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 20148.8698s


Raspberry Pi 2b (2014)

MSI-7309 v1 Motherboard with AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor 3200+ (2009.30-MHz K8-class CPU)

Mac Mini (Late 2014) with a 2.6 GHz Intel Core i5

How to install sysbench

Mac Os For Amd Athlon

Installing sysbench on each of the systems was easy as its in the package repos. On the Mac OS X system, I use homebrew (

  • Raspian: sudo apt-get install sysbench
  • FreeBSD: sudo pkg install sysbench
  • Mac OS X: brew install sysbench


I am surprised at how well the old AMD Athlon system performed even given that it is a single core processor. I may keep it around for some test bed work after all. The Raspberry Pi is a great little computer that I love playing with, but its processor - even with multiple cores - has its limitations as would be expected for such an inexpensive little system.

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I wanted to try my hand on iPhone development. That can only be done on a Mac. So, I installed it on my AMD Athlon x2 computer. I tried many distros, retail EmpireEFI, iDeneb, Hazard. These are supposed to support AMD x86 architecture, but they don’t.

The only distro that actually supports AMD is “SNOWLEO MAC Snow Leopard OSX86_64” iso.

Yeah, it’s 10.6 but don’t worry we’ll upgrade it to 10.6.6.

Help Needed: I forgot to take the screenshots when I did this. If you are doing this, can you post some screenshots? (Comment)

Note: SATA hard drive is a must.

1) Download Snowleo’s iso. Burn it using ImgBurn.

2) You’ll have to move the DVD drive to a higher priority. This can be done in the BIOS (Press Delete as soon as the computer boots up). Also, set the SATA Hard Drive to AHCI mode.

3) Insert your disc and restart. Your disc should boot up.

4) Now, you’ll have to install your Mac distro in an OSX journal’ed partition. To do that, Go to Utilities –> Disk Utilities. Select a partition other than your Windows 7 partition. Erase it (Obviously, Data in it will be washed away).


Format it to “OSX journaled”. Not the case sensitive one.

5) After that, go back to the setup. Click on the Hard drive. Don’t press “next”. Yet.

6) Click on “Customize”. Make sure these are checked.

These are the settings that worked for my 785g AMD hardware (mostly will work for you as well, unless you have extra addon cards). If they don’t try other combinations. Googling might help.

1. Mac OSX 10.6 (Obviously)

2. Use the Azaila audio

3. ATi_init (If you have an nVidia video card, try nVidia)

Amd Mac Os Drivers

4. Chamelion RC5

5. AMD Patch

6. Chocolate Kernel

7. FakeSMC

8. Platform UUID

9. Apple driver for the rt8169 (LAN)

Amd Mac Os X

10. legacy apple piixata

Leave everything as it is.

7) Click on Next. The installation should be completed in a few minutes.

8) Reboot and you should be booting into Mac OSX. You ask me, where’s your Windows 7?

Rebuilding the Windows 7 MBR (Master Boot Record)

Mac Os For Amd Athlon Btr

1) Now, boot with your Windows 7 Installation disc.

2) As the setup starts, click on “Repair my computer”

3) Click on “Repair Boot Problems” or

Amd Os X

If you are a little bit geeky, Click on “Command Prompt”

Type in “fixmbr”

4) Restart and you should be able to boot into Windows 7.

Dual booting in Harmony

1) Install a Nice program called EasyBCD on your Windows Installation.

2) Click on “Add New Entry”. Choose the “Mac” tab and select the MBR mode.

Mac Os On Amd Pc

Now, you’ll have a perfectly functional Dual boot Windows 7 + Mac OS X 10.6 system.

Upgrading to 10.6.6 or 10.6.7

Mac Amd Cpu

1) Install the 10.6.6 or 10.6.7 combo update either by Googling or Click on the “About this Mac” icon.

2) Don’t restart. Go to

Here install the 10.6.0 legacy kernel if you have updated to 10.6.6 or

if you have installed the 10.6.7 update, installed 10.7.0 legacy kernel.

3) If you want a better update, similar instructions should follow.